Country | Singapore |
Company nature | The company is a joint stock limited company engaged in business, agriculture, horticulture and animal husbandry. |
Scope of Business | The company is engaged in the procurement, processing, packaging and sales of agricultural products and food ingredients worldwide. |
Founding time | 1995 |
Registered capital | |
Number of employees | 39,200 |
Annual turnover (millions of dollars) | 27,170,291 |
Production/sales varieties | Agricultural products and food ingredients. |
Production/sales scale | It offers integrated supply chains for about 14 products in 56 countries/regions. |
Business covered ountries and regions (listed) | Singapore, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Australasia and Latin America. |
Main business and development situation | Registered in Singapore and founded in 1989, its supply chain activities include a series of agricultural products procurement, processing, packaging and sales. It offers integrated supply chains for about 14 products in 56 countries/regions including candy and beverage ingredients such as cocoa, coffee and avocado, edible nuts, spices and beans, staple food and packaged food, including rice, sugar, milk powder and packaged food, and fiber and wood products composed of cotton and wood products. |
Company introduction | Olam was founded in 1989 by Kewalram Chanrai Group (KC Group ) with 150 years of trade history. KC Group, founded in 1860 and based in Singapore, is one of the oldest international companies in Africa and Asia, with a long and successful trade history, and has business operations in more than 54 countries/regions, with more than 12,000 employees worldwide. KC Group currently has 480,493,065 shares, accounting for 19.8 % of the total issued equity of the company. The second largest shareholder of the company is Temasek Holdings, an Asian investment company based in Singapore. |
Product introduction | Candy and beverage ingredients such as cocoa, coffee and avocado, edible nuts, spices and beans, staple food and packaged food, including rice, sugar, milk powder and packaged food, and fiber and wood products composed of cotton and wood products. |
Contact person | |
Contact number | +65 6339 4100 |
Company website | |
Whether there is import or export business | YES |
Export/import product name | |
Export/import product number | |
Export/import product value |